The role of Psychedelics on my Healing Journey.

Hello Peeps! My inspiration to start this website, blog, and offerings comes from my desire to share my journey and inspire others to Heal themselves through a path that is different from the regular path happening in Modern Medicine! ( Writing has been my weakest skill since early age in school and during college). It is kind of unbelievable I made the move to start my website, and not even in my wildest dreams I would have thought I was gonna build a website, have a blog to share what's inside my heart, and dare to just go for it and share my journey and embrace how I want to keep serving the World in this realm! I always had trouble putting it in context and needed extra time to finish assignments. In the last few years, writing has grown on me, and sharing has been a form of Healing, instead of suffering in silence; by sharing I started to Heal more deeply, with a purpose, finding how many other people are similar and also on a healing path.

It's a process to develop my writing skills and my thoughts, just like it's a process to heal. I guess I can start writing about psychedelics that are part of my breakthrough into consciousness.

I used LSD and Mushrooms in my early 20's as a party drug and loved the feeling of seeing colors and how it changed my perception, but I remember, sometimes during a concert, I would just want to layoff in the grass, on the middle of a music set and hundreds of people around me, I would just fall asleep, my friends at the time would move me to the side, or make a circle around me with everyone's stuff, so no one would step on top of me. The only thing I remember from that time is that I would switch to an internal trip and go very deep, I would feel calm and have "Dreams", but I was not aware of the consciousness of the LSD/Mushroom and the benefits of it into my subconscious, what's that even mean?

Mushrooms and the psychoactive part of it, Psylocibin, have been around for an unknown amount of time and it has been proven to change cognitive function, change perception, and make one more aware of their thoughts and actions, which is linked to the subconscious. LSD is a synthetic drug created in 1938, and it targets a protein in the brain, changing perception, feelings, and thoughts. Both of these substances are very similar and if used strategically, they can positively change the programming in your brain.

Now that I know this, I can go back to my early 20's and realize, these substances were already making a difference in my brain without me even knowing it, and now that I am aware of it, it's even more powerful, I am not doing it because I'm trying to escape this reality, or feel better about myself. I use psychedelics intending to go to another realm to connect with something bigger than me, using it with a purpose. Bringing that awareness from other realms and integrating it into my life; my work, my creativity, my relationships, and a bigger connection with nature. And above all, the understanding of why I'm here, and what matters and what doesn't matters.

Psychedelic is a gift to our consciousness and the expansion of our minds, I am still discovering, reading and learning how I can use these tools to better my life, but I just also love that are no side effects of it, of course, anything too much is not good for you, but that is with anything in life. My experience is what I share, I am not a doctor or specialist on this topic, but these substances have been very powerful in changing my mind and changing my life.

Unfortunately, it's so hard to get access to psychedelic medicine, but I have hope because times are changing, and I just started reading a book from Michael Pollan - How To Change your Mind - A Psychedelic Renaissance, and it's about how it went from being easy to access it, then in the 60's it psychedelics became a scheduled 1 drug, and in the early '90s scientists have started to study again how ti can help people with depression and PSTD’s.

"The idea took hold of me. It was a little like being shown a door in a familiar room - the room of your mind - that you had somehow never noticed before and being told by people you trusted ( Scientists! ) that a whole other of thinking - being! Is waiting on the other side. All yip had to do was turn the knob and enter." Michael Polan - How to Change your Mind (pg. 12-13)

It's 2021, the World is very black and white now, but I think it's also time for a new era, I believe we are living in the Revolution of Consciousness, where the old way of thinking is dying, and we are reprogramming our minds to create a new world, and to be honest, I am so happy my Soul chose to be here now at this time!

I haven't had it all figured out, I am just passing through the earth, and figuring out as I go, but I am so happy I have tried those psychedelics in my early 20's, they were changing my mind already, without me even knowing it!

I Love You! Thank you for reading!

Mari ~~


Emotions are Energy