Living Yoga, Mystic Things,

Plant Medicine,

Shamanic Healing,



I’d Love To Hear Your Story

Yana Yana

Emotions are Energy

Our bodies are made of energy. And before we become physical our energy body organizes itself into chakras and meridians.

Chakras are main energy centers that emit and receive energy and each of them serves different functions, has different location in the body and also influences organs located around a certain chakra.

Due to trauma, energy centers begin to close, therefore effect the energy flow through them.

The flow of energy can be seen as a blood flow on a physical level. When it is inhibited organs of the body are at risk.

Same happens with the organs that are in proximity to a particular chakra.

But why our energy does not flow freely at first place? Due to stuck emotions. Emotions are energy in motion and when we experience trauma, it inhibit the flow of energy. Trauma is a distress without resolution. Meaning the energy has been accumulated but has not been processed correctly.

Today I want I to talk about heart chakra. Heart chakra is located in the center of our chest at the front of the body and in between shoulder blades in the back of the body.

Chakras no only effect internal organs but also the composition of the body itself on the outside.

Heart chakra is responsible for functioning of our cardiovascular system, lungs as well as shoulders, arms, upper back and breasts.

When the heart chakra is blocked, the energy from the lower body does not flow freely into the upper chakras, so the development of breast in women can also be hindered.

Now I am talking from my own experience.

My while life I considered myself having small breasts, whilst none of the women in my family have small breast.

I didn't suffer from it much, I eventually came to a full acceptance of my breasts.

But recently as I was progressing on my healing journey, working with my emotions, healing my traumas, processing stuck emotions in the body I began loosing weight in my lower body. It felt as thought my hips, where we all store a lot of emotions, began to let go of guard.

In January this year I have experienced a 180 degree change in my moon circle. That month I bled 2 times, first on the Full and then on the New Moon again.

I knew it was a good thing because New Moon is an energy of planting new seeds and welcoming change. At first I had a hard formation in my right breast and as my second circle on the New Moon came around, the formation was gone but my breasts had become fuller and bigger.

The moral of the story is that when you heal your emotions, you HEAL on all levels and don't be surprised that how many changes you will be witnessing.

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Mariane Pinto Mariane Pinto

The role of Psychedelics on my Healing Journey.

Psychedelics in my Healing Journey

I used LSD and Mushrooms in my early 20's as a party drug and loved the feeling of seeing colors and how it changed my perception, but I remember, sometimes during a concert, I would just want to layoff in the grass, on the middle of a music set and hundreds of people around me, I would just fall asleep, my friends at the time would move me to the side, or make a circle around me with everyone's stuff, so no one would step on top of me. The only thing I remember from that time is that I would switch to an internal trip and go very deep, I would feel calm and have "Dreams", but I was not aware of the consciousness of the LSD/Mushroom and the benefits of it into my subconscious, what's that even mean?

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